Provides functions to integrate with different tier oracles of the same V3 pair
function consult(
address pool,
uint32 period
) internal view returns (struct WeightedOracleLibrary.PeriodObservation observation)
Fetches a time-weighted observation for a given Pegasys V3 pool
Name | Type | Description |
pool | address | Address of the pool that we want to observe |
period | uint32 | Number of seconds in the past to start calculating the time-weighted observation |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
observation | address | An observation that has been time-weighted from (block.timestamp - period) to block.timestamp |
function getArithmeticMeanTickWeightedByLiquidity(
struct WeightedOracleLibrary.PeriodObservation[] observations
) internal pure returns (int24 arithmeticMeanWeightedTick)
Given some time-weighted observations, calculates the arithmetic mean tick, weighted by liquidity
In most scenarios, each entry of observations
should share the same period
and underlying pool
If period
differs across observations, the result becomes difficult to interpret and is likely biased/manipulable.
If the underlying pool
tokens differ across observations, extreme care must be taken to ensure that both prices and liquidity values are comparable.
Even if prices are commensurate (e.g. two different USD-stable assets against ETH), liquidity values may not be, as decimals can differ between tokens.
Name | Type | Description |
observations | struct WeightedOracleLibrary.PeriodObservation[] | A list of time-weighted observations |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
arithmeticMeanWeightedTick | struct WeightedOracleLibrary.PeriodObservation[] | The arithmetic mean tick, weighted by the observations' time-weighted harmonic average liquidity |