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Error Codes


  • LS: Liquidity Sub
  • LA: Liquidity Add


  • OLD: The target must be chronologically after the oldest observation

  • I: The pool has not been initialized


  • NP: Burn cannot be called for a position with 0 liquidity


  • LO: LiquidityGrossAfter must be less than MaxLiquidity


  • T: The given tick must be less than, or equal to, the maximum tick
  • R: second inequality must be < because the price can never reach the price at the max tick


  • TF: Transfer Failed : errors with TF if transfer fails


  • LOK: The reentrancy guard. A transaction cannot re-enter the pool mid-swap

  • TLU: The lower tick must be below the upper tick

  • TLM: The lower tick must be greater, or equal to, the minimum tick

  • TUM: The upper tick must be lesser than, or equal to, the maximum tick

  • AI: The pool is already initialized

  • M0: Mint 0, The balance of token0 in the given pool before minting must be less than, or equal to, the balance after minting

  • M1: Mint 1, The balance of token1 in the given pool before minting must be less than, or equal to, the balance after minting

  • AS: amountSpecified cannot be zero

  • SPL: Square root price limit

  • IIA: Insufficient input amount, an insufficient amount of input token was sent during the callback

  • L: Liquidity in the pool must be greater than zero for a flash to be executed

  • F0: The balance of token0 in the given pool before the flash transaction must be less than, or equal to, the balance of token0 after the flash plus the fee

  • F1: The balance of token1 in the given pool before the flash transaction must be less than, or equal to, the balance of token1 after the flash plus the fee